Linquenda – Hasselter aak

Linquenda – Hasselter aak

The “Linquenda” has had several names and owners. This is how the ship was called “Vorwoirts” during the occupation. In 1996 the bare boat was completely timbered inside and a mast was put back, the then owner wanted to sail it again. When the...
La Dolce Vita – Frisian tjalk

La Dolce Vita – Frisian tjalk

During World War II, skipper Gerben Beijert made several dangerous trips from Drachten to Coevorden with his “Nova Cura,” as this ship was then called, to fetch peat. The people of Drachten were so grateful for this that after the war they even named a...
Through Grace – IJsselaak

Through Grace – IJsselaak

The “Door Gunst Verkregen” launched as “Eben Haeser” (“So far the Lord has helped us”) and in 1930 was even involved in the filling of Rotterdam’s Coolsingel – right around the corner here. As a sand ship, it served...
De Goede Gunst – Frisian Zeetjalk

De Goede Gunst – Frisian Zeetjalk

This ship lives up to its name. Indeed, according to tradition, the father of the first owners gave the ship to his two sons as a gift. And a sea barge was definitely a great and expensive gift at the end of the nineteenth century! Another special thing about the...
The Hope – Drenthe deckjalk

The Hope – Drenthe deckjalk

‘The Hope’ was one of the ships in the fleet of the former Port Museum that now belongs to the Maritime Museum. It stood for years as a museum exhibit on the quay of the Leuvehaven and served as a “button boat. The current owner bought it from the...